7 Ways to Interact with the Bible

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Suppose you and a group of friends set off on the adventure of traveling to a new city. You might want to visit the zoo or aquarium. One friend might want to eat at only the local restaurants–you know the locals’ favorites. While another friend might want to visit the tourist hot spots. Each one has a different way of experiencing the new city, and it is through these interactions one learns of the city. The same is true when it comes to the Bible. There are different ways of experiencing the Bible, and all can lead to an encounter with God. So, here are seven ways to interact with the Bible.

Read/Listen to God’s Word

First, you can read or listen to Scripture. Sit down and read the Bible like any other book. Read whole books or letters at a time. This can help create a big picture understanding of what is going on in the Bible. Go online and find a reading plan; there are millions of them. Or make your own.

If you don’t have time to sit down and read, or maybe you don’t like to read, then sit down and listen to God’s word like you listen to any other story. There are Audio Bibles everywhere. Bible Gateway has some really great Audio Bibles here that you can listen to for free. (My favorite right now is the NIV Dramatized). 

When we sit down and read (or listen) to God’s Word we are allowing God to speak for Himself. I find that often, we are more critical of the Bible than any other book. We try to treat it like a magic spellbook. But if we treat like every other book, we allow God to speak for Himself. The Bible has its own terms and we should not impose our own.

Study the Bible

Second, we can interact with the Bible by studying it. Since the Bible has its own terms, we must study it if we are going to be impacted by it.  This is a very intellectual way of experiencing the Bible. The purpose of studying the Bible is not only spiritual knowledge, but an encounter with God as well. Often, spiritual knowledge is a result of the encounter with God (not the other way around).

There are different Bible Study Methods. Each method has its pros and cons. So, choose one that works for you, right now where you are, but don’t abandon the others entirely. If the SOAP Bible Study Method is best for you right now, great! But try an inductive study every once and a while, because each will bring with it things the others cannot.

Memorize Scriptures

Third, we can memorize Scripture. Now I must confess, I am not the best at memorizing Scripture. In fact, I stink because I don’t spend time doing it. That is something I need to work on. But it is something we all can work on as well. 

Yes, we live in a technological age that is unprecedented in history. But we also live at a time where biblical illiteracy is on the rise, according to a recent LifeWay Study. That seems like it should not be the case, but it is. 

So, whether it is a verse a week or a verse a month work on memorizing Scripture. There is no true substitute. When we have portions of Scripture memorized it helps us live out God’s word every day. Our conscience absorbs it and our spirit can remind us throughout the day how we can live like Jesus. 

Meditate on Scripture

Fourth, we can meditate on passages of the Bible. Simply put, think about it. Read a passage, a verse, something and think about it. What themes do you see carried throughout Scripture? What is God saying? 

Consider, the Lectio Divina Bible study method. It is a great way to slow down and think about the Bible. Then, keep thinking about it throughout the day. When you eat, drive, walk, etc. spend time thinking about God’s word. 

Here’s an idea: do some activity or hobby that you are interested in and add God’s word in it. For example, if you like photography then go out in nature and take photographs of God’s creation. As you do that spend some time thinking about and admiring God’s handiwork. 

Apply God’s Word

Fifth, we can interact with the Bible by applying it to our lives. We can live out God’s Word every day. What can we do today that reminds us of God’s word? Maybe, we could wear a bracelet and remember that in Christ our chains are gone. Better yet, what can we do today that shows others God’s love?

God’s challenge for us in His word is not only to be hearers but doers of His word (James 1:22). The greatest commandments are to love God and love others. This is an action. We show our love by what we do. So, what are you going to do to show God’s love, to live out the Bible, today?

Journal God’s Word

Sixth, we can journal God’s word. There are many Bible journaling resources online. Now, I’ll be honest. The way Bible journaling is often done online…I don’t know about it. I haven’t done it. But if it helps you great. What I am getting at here is not so much that as it is to record, to write down, for your future self and perhaps one day your family what God is doing in your life. 

You could record your prayers, what you learned, laments etc. God desires a personal and unique relationship with you. So, the way you journal or record God’s word and work in your life might look different than everyone else’s. That is okay. The key here is to remember. However you choose to journal God’s word, it should serve as a personal reminder to who God is and what He does. 


Seven, we can interact with the Bible through devotional literature. These are short and quick espresso shots of God’s word. Now, man cannot live by bread alone. Likewise, man cannot live by espresso shots alone. 

A quick devotional in the morning does nothing if it is only a box to check off. But, a devotional in the morning can be the spark that lights a fire that burns throughout the day. That choice is yours. I would recommend you find a devotional that both encourages and challenges you personally. 

Conclusion: 7 Ways to Interact with the Bible

Exploring a city with friends takes time, and sometimes it means doing some things you would rather not do. This week take the time to find a way to interact with God’s word that you enjoy. It might be to…

  • Read or listen to the Bible,
  • Study,
  • Memorize,
  • Meditate,
  • Apply,
  • Journal, or
  • a devotional.

Find one that you enjoy and do it. Better yet, there’s seven days in the week…so, do one a day. Mix and match. Play around. Explore God’s Word. Use these seven ways to experience the Bible in different ways. Soon you’ll encounter God.

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